“Overcome Evil with Good”
March 3, 2018
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Turning Point Open Bible Church
11911 North Division Street
Spokane, Washington
Conference is free
Refreshments provided
We haven’t had a Prison Fellowship Volunteer Conference in Spokane for a while. This is your opportunity to learn about all the things Prison Fellowship does as well as learn about opportunities for you to get involved and ways your church can get involved in these rewarding ministries. The conference is free with refreshments provided so all you have to loose is a few hours of your Saturday.
This conference will have two breakout sessions:
Bringing Hope: Angle Tree
The children of prisoners find themselves suddenly alone. One or both parents are removed from the home and the family is fighting for survival. Churches participating in Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree program are able to bring hope to these families and to establish redemptive relationships.
This workshop will explain the process and cast a vision for year-round ministry to prisoners’ children.
Let the Church be the Church
We all are eager to see incarcerated men and women reconciled to God. Yet even Christian prisoners often fail to successfully transition back to a life in society.
This workshop will focus on Prison Fellowship’s “Bridge Church” ministry. We will look at how returning citizens are making a huge difference in helping men and women live transformed lives.
If you can’t spend the whole morning with us, at least come for the opening session and a cup of coffee. The opening session will talk about the scope of the incarceration problem in the United States, the impact on our communities and workforce and various ways you can get involved. We will also have literature available for you to take home with you.
Don’t miss this opportunity.